Book Review – To Battersea Park by Philip Hensher

books, reviews

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

There was a point when I said that I would never read a pandemic novel. I didn’t think I wanted to relive those times again and didn’t see how a novelist would be able to convey the real feelings of that time. However, I’ve now finished my second pandemic novel. The first was The Fell by Sarah Moss which I adored. It’s one of those books that I forced people to read because it was so good. I just loved Sarah Moss’ writing so much. I was hopeful that Philip Hensher would offer another hit. It had certainly gained plenty of praise from critics. I decided to add it to my Pride TBR and started listening this week. Unfortunately, I’ve been feeling terrible all week, so I wasn’t as into it as I might normally have been. Still, I managed to finish it in time.

Film Review – The Bubble (2022)

films, reviews

Rating: 2 out of 5.

I wasn’t sure that I’d have the energy to watch a film over the weekend thanks to Covid. Luckily, I managed to fit one in. For some reason, I decided that it would be a good idea to watch Netflix’s new pandemic film. It didn’t really feel as though 2022 was the best time for lockdown film. Mostly because most people are happily pretending that Covid has gone. Lockdowns alrady feel as though they’re old news. I get that it takes time to get a production going but they knew this going in. I had to find out just what Judd Apatow and co were thinking with this one.

Book Review – Burncoat by Sarah Hall

books, reviews

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I often wonder if this whole reviewing thing isn’t a little bit futile. Not the reading books or talking about them bit. I think that’s a great part of life and something that everyone should be encouraged to do more. No, I mean arbitrarily assigning a rating to everything that I read. I never used to do it but jumped on the bandwagon a few years ago. Ratings don’t really tell you very much because they’re so personal. Everyone has an individual spectrum of greatness and it’s all very dependent on context. Take Burncoat for example. I’ve seen plenty of people say they prefer it to The Fell but I’m the opposite. The difference? They read Sarah Hall first and I didn’t. If I’d read them in a different order would I have flipped? It’s both impossible to say and pointless to speculate. On with the review.

Book Review – The Fell by Sarah Moss

books, reviews

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Short books are great for getting your reading count up but sometimes their length can be deceiving. What should only take a few hours to read could end up taking a couple of days because of the emotional toil. I definitely think that’s what happened with this one. I’m not sure that I was ready for this book. We’re still very much in the Coronavirus pandemic and, as a clinically extremely vulnerable person, I don’t feel as though my life will get back to normal for a while. So, maybe it wasn’t the right time to be reading this? However, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to resist seeing what Sarah Moss had in store for me.