Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

I had a couple of awful days back at work this week. I had having 3 days off and then finishing the week but I also didn’t want to use more holiday days for no reason. Not only did I return to a full inbox but it was just super disorganised and stressful. It’s always the same at this time of year but I just wasn’t quite prepared for it. Still, I did manage to finish a few books this week, which is great. I’m not saying that this month is going better than April but it shouldn’t be a complete write off. If I can just keep up the momentum.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

It’s the bank holiday weekend and I’ve got a few extra days off work. So, I’ve been doing other things and not reading. It’s been good but also isn’t going to help me match my April book numbers. That’s not a problem because it’s not all about numbers. It would just be nice to get a few more books finished this month. Still, I’ve had a good week outside of work. I’m sure I can use my time off to do something worthwhile. Although, I’ll probably just spend most of it in bed and it’ll be time to get back to work before I know it.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

Thankfully, work was a little less stressful this week but it’s still not back to normal. Fortunately, I just have to get through the next 5 days and I have a few days off. I can’t wait for a long long weekend to just sit and relax. I’ve had a really good month of reading in April, so I want to keep it up in May. I also just want some time off. This year is passing me by so quickly and we’ll be in the busy time at work in no time. I’m not ready for it. I’m not worrying about it and am just going to keep doing what I do. It’s only work after all. Best not to give it too much thought when I’m not in the office.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

films, books, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

What a week. It’s just been non-stop at work and I’ve paid for it at home. The usual lack of sleep and tiredness has been here making reading difficult. Still, I managed to finish a couple of books this week, which means I’ve not lost momentum. I think April is going to end up being a really good month. I know it won’t keep happening for all of 2024 but it’s good to have a genuinely productive month for a chance. I still have a few more days, so who knows how many I’ll get through before May.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

Last week was a weird week. I took some time off to help my sister with childcare. So, it wasn’t exactly a break but I had a lot of fun. Then my last two days at work felt so awful. It was slow and busy. I also know that this week is going to feel even worse because I haven’t done a full week in so long. Thanks to Easter, it’s been over two weeks and I don’t know if I have it in me. I’ll have to try and get better at sleeping this week because I’m already so tired. I’ve spent a lot of last night reading and I plan on doing the same today. I have a lot to catch up on and I have a lot to get through this month. Although, I’m feeling pretty good about everything. I’ve slipped a few extras in recently so my count is looking healthy. It’s just about crossing off the books that I need to get to.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

I’ve got a few days off at the start of this week and I’m looking forward to not being at work. I won’t exactly be relaxing but getting some time out of the office is always good. It’s a particularly stressful time and there’s a lot going on. Do we have the time to do it? Of course not. That would be too easy. Still, I’m still managing to finish books along the way. I’ve finished two books already this month and will hopefully get another one done during my days off. I want to try and keep up momentum now because it’s going to be a difficult few weeks. I’ll probably just want to slump in front of the TV instead of picking up a book when I get home.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

It’s Easter Sunday, so reading is taking a backseat for today. Of course, I will read at some point but this is a family day. My niece and nephew are both the perfect age for Easter to be exciting and fun again. So, we’re organising an egg hunt and other fun for today. It should be good.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

It’s almost Easter and I don’t know how that happened. March simply flew by. I can’t believe that my birthday was 20 days ago. It feels like it was yesterday. I’ve done quite a lot in March but it doesn’t feel like it. I’ve read a few books but not as many as previous months. There’s still a week to go and that includes a long weekend. So, there’s still time to up the number. I’ve got a few audiobooks lined up which I’m pretty excited about. Hopefully, I can get to them this month. I have plenty of books on my April TBR.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

Halfway through March already? I don’t know how that’s happened. I’ve got no real sense of how well I’m doing in terms of books but I suspect it’s not great. Not that I think it’s bad either but it’s been a month of long books. Probably a good thing because I have a lot of long books on my TBR. It’s about time that I got some of them off the list. It might also help me get better at focusing on longer books. I’m so used to reading shorter books and getting loads done in a month. It’s ruined my attention span somewhat. I used to have no problem racing through long books and I want to get that back. Slowly but surely. If I’m ever going to reread Lord of the Rings then I need to.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

I’m away this weekend so things will be a bit different. I doubt there’ll be much time for reading but I’ll give it a try. I have plenty to get through this month and I’m excited about all of them. I’ve been a bit slow this week but I’m ready to dive into some more exciting reads. February was a bit of a let down and it wasn’t a great way to start the month. So, I really need to turn it around. Especially as this was the week of World Book Day and International Women’s Day. March is also my birthday month, so I feel like I need to make it a great month.