Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

Another stressful work week but we’ve got a bank holiday to look forward to now. So, an extra day out of the office and then 4 days before a week off. I can’t wait. Next weekend is going to be busy, which means I’m embracing doing as little as possible. I’ve still got bits to do but I’ll spend as much of it reading as possible. We’re getting to the end of the month, so my mind is on my reading numbers. I’m doing pretty well this year and keeping momentum up. I don’t really care about how many books I read but I want to make sure I keep reading as much as possible. I spend too much time on social media and I need to change my habits.

Weekly Blog Posts

  • BOOK REVIEWThe Kamogawa Food Detectives by Hisashi Kashiwai

As someone who really enjoyed Before the Coffee Gets Cold, I was sure that I would love this one. More cosy Japanese fiction set in an eating establishment with a twist. Plus, there was a cat on the cover and that always bodes well. Surely this would be an no brainer? Read my review to see if it was.

  • BOOK REVIEWAll I Know by Holly C Labarbera

I was given a copy of this book tor review and I kept forgetting about it. So, I started to feel guilty and had to pick it up. I was really looking forward to it because I love a book that features twins. As a twin myself, I’m always fascinated by how writers deal with them. Would the story be as good as I hoped? Read my review to find out.

  • FILM REVIEW – Next Goal Wins (2023)

I’m not a sports fan, so I’m not the most obvious person to sit down in front of a sports movie. Especially one about football because it’s one of the sports I have the least interest in. Yet, there was a part of me that wanted to watch this film. Why? Because of Taika Waititi. I wanted to see if this was another of his brilliantly funny film. You’ll have to read my review to find out if it was.

Just Read

  • All I Know by Holly C Labarbera

Still working my way through this one. It’s starting to get really good and I can’t wait to finish it.

Currently Reading

  • All I Know by Holly C Labarbera

I finished this one just before I needed to post my review. It took a night of reading nonstop but that’s okay. I should spend more nights just reading and not watching TV.

  • Marple: Twelve New Stories by Naomi Alderman et al.

I listened to this at work this week. It was a lot easier listening to the short story collection than a regular novel. Just because I was able to stop after certain stories and get on with my work.

Book Haul

Nothing yet but I have a Waterstones gift voucher and it’s double points weekend. I’m definitely going to ordering something soon.

Recently Watched

  • TV:
    • Family Guy – I’ve been over the whole Family Guy thing for a few years but that didn’t stop me checking in with the latest series to be available on Disney+. I honestly don’t know how this show is still going but it’s the same as The Simpsons. Someone’s got to be enjoying it as much as the earlier series.
  • Games:
    • I’ve had a busy week and didn’t have time to play anything. I’ll make up for it this weekend.

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