Film Review – Next Goal Wins (2023)

films, reviews

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

I’m not a football fan, so any desire that I had to see this film came solely from my love of both Taika Waititi and Michael Fassbender. It’s so strong that it can overcome my powerful lack of interest in the sport. Although, I guess you don’t really need to care about sport to watch sports movies. I don’t care about hockey but continue to believe The Mighty Ducks is sensational entertainment. As a kid, I knew nothing about American football but would watch Little Giants on repeat. Does Teen Wolf count as sports movie? Probably and I bloody love that. So, it’s not as if I don’t have a history with sports movies. Sometimes they manage to sneak through and do something wonderful. Would that be the case for Next Goal Wins? I had to see.