Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

This week has been a little better than the last but it’s still been tricky. My eyes were still bad at the start of the week, so I had to get medical advice. They’re definitely better now but still not 100%. I don’t know what’s happening to me this year. I’ve been more ill in the first 6 months of this year than I have in the last 6 years combined. Either it’s a sign that I’m getting old and falling apart. Or it’s just a huge coincidence. Regardless, I will say that I’ve been feeling more motivated as the week went on. So, I have managed to get through some of my TBR. Hopefully, it won’t turn out to be such a disappointing week after all.

Weekly Blog Posts

  • BOOK REVIEW – To Battersea Park by Philip Hensher

This book sounded so interesting and it certainly seemed to be getting a lot of positive attention. So, I knew I wanted to read it as part of my June TBR. I was a bit unsure about picking up another lockdown book, especially in 2024. However, I was hopeful it might do something a bit different. Read my review to see if it did.

  • BOOK REVIEW – George Orwell’s 1984: An Audible Original Adaptation

I’m sure that I’ve mentioned it before but I’m not a huge fan of 1984 by George Orwell. It’s not that I hate it but I don’t know why there’s so much hype around it. It’s just so long and isn’t the best example of what Orwell can do. I hoped this adaptation would take the boring bits out. Read my review to find out how it went.

Just Read

  • To Battersea Park by Philip Hensher

I just about managed to finish this in time for my review. It took longer than I expected but I did it. It wasn’t quite what I expected it to be but it’s a book that I won’t forget in while. Was it my favourite pandemic book? Probably not but there’s some great writing in it.

  • George Orwell’s 1984: An Audible Original Adaptation

I’d been meaning to listen to this for ages. It’s one of the reasons that I started my Audible subscription again. Not because I’m a bit fan of the book but because it had such a great cast. Andrew Garfield, Cynthia Erivo, Tom Hardy and Andrew Scott. All fantastic actors. I listened to this at work and it was a great production.

Currently Reading

  • Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love

This book has been on my radar since it came out but I didn’t want to buy it when I had so many other books to get through. When I found it on BookBeat, I knew it was going to end up on my Pride TBR. It’s such a cute book and one that is perfect or Pride month. I’m really enjoying it.

Book Haul

Nothing this week. I almost did but I managed to control myself. Hopefully I can keep this up.

Recently Watched

  • TV:
    • Inside No.9 -This is such a good show. I’ve been trying to decide my favourite episode but it’s so hard to decide. They’re all so different.
    • The Boys – Before I start watching season 4, I decided to go back to season 3. It’s been a while since I saw it and I can’t remember everything that happened.
  • Games:
    • Stardew Valley I’ve only played a little this week and haven’t felt like playing much. So, we’ll see how this week goes.

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