Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

I’m away this weekend visiting friends, and then I’ve got a week off. Some of the week will be spent looking after my nieve so it’ll be pretty hectic. Then I’ve got four days to recover before it’s back to work on Monday. Hopefully, I can get some reading done. I’ve got a big Pride TBR planned.

Weekly Blog Posts

  • BOOK REVIEWMarple: Twelve New Mysteries

I’d had this on my shelf since it came out but had been too afraid to read it. I just wasn’t sure it would do what I wanted it to do. Read my review to see how it went.

  • FILM REVIEW – Mean Girls (2024)

I can’t say that I’m a huge fan of the original film but I don’t dislike it. I do love a musical, so I was interested in watching this. I didn’t know anything about the stage show going in. Would I enjoy it? Read my review to find out.

  • BOOK REVIEW – The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers by Samuel Burr

I’ve not had this book for long but I couldn’t wait to read it. It just sounded so charming and cosy. Exactly what I wanted to finish the mobth off. Did it do what I hoped it would? You’ll have to read my review to find out.

Just Read

  • The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers by Samuel Burr

I managed to get through this one just in time. It was one of those books that I couldn’t wait to pick up again.

  • The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

I listened to this at work this week in an attempt to sneak another book into my count. It’s been on my list for ages and I was finally ready to see what all the fuss was about.

Currently Reading

  • Gallant by V. E. Schwab

A friend gave me this to read and I decided to pick it as the book I’d read on my weekend away. I like gothic fiction, so I’m hoping this goes well.

Book Haul

I did buy a couple of books last week. I added to my Pride TBR with some more LGBTQ+ reads.

Recently Watched

  • TV:
    • Clarkson’s Farm – I admit that I find Jeremy Clarkson annoying and disagree with all his view. However, this is way more entertaining than I expected. I watched one episode at a friend’s house and was hooked.
  • Games:
    • Stardew Valley I’ve only played a little this week. I really need to get back into it. I also think I need to start coming up with a strategy for how I’m playing. I need a plan.

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